DIY Gift Ideas

Merry Christmas!! I can’t believe it’s already December!! I hope you are having a great holiday season!  Today, I want to share some simple but meaningful DIY gifts you can give this Christmas season.

1. Tie

This tie is very simple to make! You can find the tutorial here.  It doesn’t take long.  Just make sure to follow the instructions!  It’s the perfect gift: homemade, useable, and trendy.



2. Ornaments

It might seem like a ridiculous gift to give, but it could be so meaningful. Make felt ornaments into any shape; states, dogs, anything! AND you can make them so detailed.  You can find the tutorial here.  You could also make wood ornaments or buy regular round ones and make them your own!  Another option is salt dough, you can make hand prints, dog prints, any kind of print.


3. Mittens

Okay, I saw these on Pinterest and I thought they were too good to be true. But they were so easy! All you need is a old sweater.  You can get one from a thrift store or one of your own.  Its a great way to re-purpose things. You can find the tutorial here.



4. Dry Mix Jar

I’m all about practical gifts and this is one of the best. You make dessert, soups, breads, anything!  This is great because the recipient can use it anytime!  You can get ideas here  here.


5 . Treat Bags

This is the perfect gift for neighbors, friends, or people at church.  I’m putting sugar cookies, chocolate chip cookies, white chocolate popcorn, chocolate covered pretzels, and a cutie in the bags.  Maybe a few other candies too.  I found some bags at Target (similar) that were $5.  Ikea also has tons of cute Christmas things.  I wish we lived closer to one!


There you have it! 5 easy DIY gifts you can give the people in your life!!


love, Chelsea & Shelby

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