A little about us

Hi there! We’re two sisters who were born 4 years a part. But we’re practically twins.  We are so excited for this journey and we’re even more excited for you to come along with us!


Hi, my name is Chelsea and I am 1/2 of Laughs and Mishaps. I am a new mom (love it!)  who loves going on mom vacations to Target and adding items to my wishlist on Amazon. I enjoy baking, playing sports and people watching.  My husband and I also really enjoy going to sporting events. (GO SHARKS!) Thanks for stopping by!


Hello, I’m Shelby & I’m the other 1/2 of Laughs and Mishaps! I’m Twenty-Something years old and I’m happily married to one of the funniest people I know. When we get sick of watching Netflix (which doesn’t happen often) we like to cook, play board games with family, and explore new places. Nice to meet you!